Thursday, July 28, 2011


Guess what I just ordered her 5 minutes ago and she'll be here in 2 to 5 biusness days. I might do an opening video ,but this means no AG dolls for a while :(

Wish Me Luck

I am about to ask him again. Please let this be the last time.


Tomorrow I am busy so I'll try to get my dad to order her today. I really want her. I might do like a little room tour of her room which my grandpa and I are making for her.

Plan B

It worked ,but we had a blackout so we won't be ordering it today. If we have power tomorrow we will.I'm using my phone but I don't want to order her off of I guess you know that I update multiple times a day. that will continue.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Wish Me Luck

I am going to ask my dad to order the pullip tonight ,and I hope he says yes SO PLEASE WISH ME LUCK I beg of you.

Help Please

O.K. ,I have a little situation and I was wondering if you guys could help. I am trying to find websites were I can buy pullip clothes ,because I cannot find a steady supply on the internet. Please help ,I would sew some stuff but I don't know how to sew ,and if anyone knows any knitting patterns I can knit also.


Summer is soon to close and school is almost in I am not excited. I don't want to go into a new school. With new teachers and everything. I am crying all my time will be taken up by homework I won't be posting videos of my dolls as often.

I Getting a Pullip Doll Soon

So I am getting a Pullip doll I am going to name her Athena. She is Ayanami Rei I think but I can't pronounce that so I am re-naming her I might do an opening video. How soon that will be depends on when my mom says I can order her. But that  might be sometime in August I will ordering her off of Please help me figure out how to link this to my youtube channel.